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Look How Far You've Come

Writer's picture: The Hamilton PostThe Hamilton Post

Quiet your mind and hear God Whisper today, "Look How Far You've Come."

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

- Isaiah 55:8-9

A lot of times, it's hard to see how far we've come. We go through our day-to-day working towards healing, growing, changing, becoming the "Best Version of Ourselves" that society tells us we need to be in order to be "truly happy." We start thinking, "Maybe if I change this, or try this or date this type of person, then I'll get to where I need to be."

But maybe the only thing that really needs to change is our perspective.

We see the harrowing declaration from the Lord in Isaiah 55 that should shake us to our core. These words still echoing through our ears should stop make us stop and think, "Wait a I seeing myself, my situation, my life from the eyes of my creator or the eyes of this world?"

It's so easy to doubt ourselves and wonder, "Will I ever be the person that I was created to be?" When the truth is, God's already created you with everything you need to be the person He's called and made you to be. This includes all your flaws, every wrong turn, any failed relationship or business endeavor all the way down to daily mistakes. Because *spoiler alert* He already knew you were going to do it before the decision was even made.

So before you think, you'll never be enough. Remember that the one who created you has planted thoughts and ways that are so much higher than you could ever imagine.

Take a moment today to look at the road behind you and say, "Thank You Lord." Because you know that this path with him, His Way is bigger, higher and better than anything you could have ever imagined. As you do this, the road ahead will become even more beautiful because you've learned to appreciate just how far you've truly come.

Prayer Excerpt from Hope in the Hopeless: 30 Prayers of Hope + Thanksgiving by Audrey Buchanan 

Dear Lord, thank you for making all things new. Thank you for a new day with new strengths and a fresh start every morning. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving me strength. I know You will never lead me astray. Keep my mind from its wicked ways today as I choose to renew my thoughts in you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Audrey Buchanan

Author | Writer | Photographer

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